Happy February!
We have survived the days of ice & no school & now have time to make valentines! Using your own fabric or the special "Feb. FAB silk & velvet $5" -in "store"), here are the easy steps!
Cut silk or other fabric into 8" x 5 1/4" rectangle. Fold, stitch on wrong side, with right sides together, leaving opening for turning. Clip corners. Turn right side out.
Fill with good quality lavender (from health food store or grocery store) or stuffing, or your choice of fill. Close opening.

Draw heart pattern on heavy paper (or email me for pdf): approx. 2 1/4" X 2 1/8" & cut out. Trace onto sticky stabilizer backed velvet or other fabric. Cut out.

Sew close to edge, trim & clip curves, "v" & point of heart.